11/16/13 16:52:22:612 CST] 00000021 util
W com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.util.VirtualHostContextRootMapper map SRVE0316W: Request matches the context root
[//*] under the virtual host alias of [*:9061].
[11/16/13 16:52:22:614 CST] 00000021 util
W com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.util.VirtualHostContextRootMapper map SRVE0317W: You may need to add a new virtual
host alias of *:<your port> to the same virtual host that [*:9061] is under.
[11/16/13 16:52:22:616 CST] 00000021 webcontainer E com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.internal.WebContainer handleRequest
SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle //jsp/portal/initLogin.action has not been defined.
在 Administrative Console 中通过 Environment > Virtual Hosts > default_host > Host Aliases 来为默认主机添加附加端口的支持。单击 New 以添加一个新的别名。用 * 作为主机名(* 代表任意主机名),用 9081 作为端口值。