为了方便大家阅读,我对文章中错误号来解释一下吧!Error Id: ORA-39000
Title: bad dump file specification
bad dump file specification
Specify a dump file that is usable for the job.
The user specified a dump file that could not be used in the current job. Subsequent error messages describe the inadequacies of the dump file.
Error Id: ORA-39001
Title: invalid argument value
invalid argument value
Correct the bad argument and retry the API.
The user specified API parameters were of the wrong type or value range. Subsequent messages supplied by DBMS_DATAPUMP.GET_STATUS will further describe the error.
Error Id: ORA-39142
Title: incompatible version number string in dump file "string"
incompatible version number string in dump file "string"
Import this dump file using the Data Pump import utility with the same version as the export which created the file.
A dump file was specified for an import operation whose version number is incompatible with the dump file version of the Data Pump product currently running on the system. Usually this message indicates that the dump file was produced by a newer version of the Data Pump export utility.
也许你已明白,但对一个人有用也是我存在的理由!^_^ By:持之以恒的大白
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