对tuxedo多域进行配置,配置完后,使用tmloadcf -y ubbsimple ,dmloadcf -y bdmsimple执行都没有问题
但是在执行tmboot -y时报错
[tuxedo1@middleware simpapp]$ tmboot -y
Booting all admin and server processes in /tuxedo1/tuxedo9.1/samples/atmi/simpapp/tuxconfig
INFO: BEA Tuxedo, Version 9.1, 32-bit, Patch Level (none)
INFO: Serial #: 454493271161-2655514326743, Expiration NONE, Maxusers 1000000
INFO: Licensed to: Customer
Booting admin processes ...
exec BBL -A :
process id=21942 ... Started.
Booting server processes ...
exec DMADM -A -t :
process id=21943 ... Started.
exec GWADM -A -t :
process id=21944 ... Started.
exec GWTDOMAIN -A -t :
process id=21945 ... Started.
exec GWADM -A -t :
exec GWTDOMAIN -A -t :
CMDTUX_CAT:1685: ERROR: Application initialization failure
exec simpserv -A -t :
process id=21952 ... Started.
exec WSL -A -t -- -n // -m 3 -M 5 -x 3 -p 12701 -P 12999 :
process id=21953 ... Started.
6 processes started.
CMDTUX_CAT:825: ERROR: Process GWADM at remote failed with /T tperrno (TPELIMIT - a system limit has been reached)
LIBGW_CAT:1099: ERROR: Unable to advertise initial services - TPELIMIT - a system limit has been reached
通过查看 tuxedo文档对 LIBGW 1099解释,
The proper action to take will depend upon the value of tperrno. If tperrno is set to TPELIMIT, increase the value of the MAXSERVICES parameter in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file. If tperrno is set to TPESYSTEM, look for another message preceding this message with more information on the failure.
原因为resource的 maxservices配置太小