Java Database.Error & Exception of Java & Database.
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Error occurred when use foreign Jms server[JMSClientExceptions:055142].
I want to use a foreign Jms server(Tibco EMS), after I have config the JNDI of foreign server,connectionfactory and destinations, the correct JNDI name can be find on the JNDI tree. Then I deploy a demo mdb ear on the weblogic(version is 10.3),there's warnning tag on the ear application, and there is error message in the log: <2011-1-10 上午10时15分07秒 CST> <Warning> <EJB> <BEA-010061> <The Message-Drive n EJB: MDBDemo is unable to connect to the JMS destination: NotifyAlertAlertQueue. The Error was: weblogic.jms.common.InvalidDestinationException: [JMSClientExceptions:055142]Foreign destination, Queue[notify.alert.alertQueue]> NotifyAlertAlertQueue is the JNDI name of the destination defined on the weblogic console,and the same as ems jndi name for queue notify.alert.alertQueue. It seems that the application has find the queue correctly, but why it throw that exception[JMSClientExceptions:055142]? Thanks for any help. Edited by: 826761 on 2011-1-9 下午6:40
I suspect that somehow your configuration is messed up and the MDB ended up using a WebLogic connection to access a TIBCO EMS destination. Please make sure that your JMS server configuration maps a TIBCO connection factory jndi name to a jndi name in WebLogic server JNDI tree, a TIBCO destination jndi name to a jndi name in WebLogic server JNDI tree, and your MDB configuration refers to the jndi names in the WebLogic JNDI tree. Regards.
I have solved this problem by fix mdb config files。 thank you at all。