"表太多;在一个联连(Join)中MySQL只能使用 %d 表",
"Row size太大;最大的row size为 %d (BLOB列除外);你不得不将某些字段更改为BLOB",
"Thread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use 'mysqld -O thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack if needed",
"Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN. 检查SQL语句中的 ON 条件",
"字段 '%-.64s' 被指定为UNIQUE/INDEX;但是没有被定义为 NOT NULL",
"不能读取函数 '%-.64s'",
"不能初始化函数 '%-.64s'; %-.80s",
"No paths allowed for shared library",
"函数 '%-.64s' 已存在",
"不能够打开共享库 '%-.64s' (errno: %d %-.64s)",
"在库中没有发现函数 '%-.64s'",
"函数 '%-.64s' 未定义",
"登录主机 '%-.64s' 因太多的连接错误而被封;使用'mysqladmin flush-hosts'解封",
"登录主机 '%-.64s' 不允许登录到这台 MySQL 服务器",
"Can't find any matching row in the user table",
"Rows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ld",
"Can't create a new thread (errno %d). If you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug",
"Column count doesn't match value count at row %ld",
"不能重新打开 '%-.64s' 表",
"非法使用 NULL 值",
"Got error '%-.64s' from regexp",
"如果没有GROUP BY 字句,混合使用GROUP列(MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...)与非GROUP列是不合法的",
"There is no such grant defined for user '%-.32s' on host '%-.64s'",
"无权执行%-.16s命令;用户:'%-.32s@%-.64s' 表:'%-.64s'",
"无权执行%-.16s命令;用户:'%-.32s@%-.64s' 列:'%-.64s' 表:'%-.64s'",
"不合法的GRANT/REVOKE指令;请参照手册 which privileges can be used",
"表 '%-.64s.%-.64s' 不存在",
"There is no such grant defined for user '%-.32s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.64s'",
"Delayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.64s",
"Too many delayed threads in use",
"中断连接 %ld to db: '%-.64s' user: '%-.32s' (%-.64s)",
"Got a read error from the connection pipe",
"Got an error from fcntl()",
"Got packets out of order",
"Got an error writing communication packets",
"Got timeout writing communication packets",
"INSERT DELAYED 不能使用表'%-.64s';因它被LOCK TABLES指令锁定",
"错误的列名 '%-.100s'",
"The used table handler can't index column '%-.64s'",
"All tables in the MERGE table are not identically defined",
"Result consisted of more than one row",
"这种表类型需要一个主关键字(Primary key)",
"这个MySQL版本不支持 RAID",
"You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column",
"这种表的处理程序不支持 %s 操作",
"Got error %d during COMMIT",
"Got error %d during ROLLBACK",
"Got error %d during FLUSH_LOGS",
"Got error %d during CHECKPOINT",
"与 %ld 连接中断; 数据库:'%-.64s' 用户: '%-.32s' 主机:`%-.64s' (%-.64s)",
"这种表的处理程序不支持二进制表转储(Binary table dump)",
"Binlog closed, cannot RESET MASTER",
"Failed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.64s'",
"Error from master: '%-.64s'",
"Net error reading from master",
"Net error writing to master",
"Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list",
"Can't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction",
"未知的系统变量 '%-.64s'",
"Table '%-.64s' is ed as crashed and should be repaired",
"Table '%-.64s' is ed as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed",
"Warning: Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back",
"这个操作不能在一个运行着的从属服务器上执行,请先执行SLAVE STOP",
"这个操作只能在运行着的从属服务器上执行,请将其设为从属服务器将启动(SLAVE START)",
"The server is not configured as slave, fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TO",
"Could not initialize master info structure, check permisions on master.info",
"Could not create slave thread, check system resources",
"用户 %-.64s 已经超过 'max_user_connections' 设定的活动连接数",
"You may only use constant expressions with SET",
"超出Lock wait timeout时间,请重新启动事务",
"The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size",
"Update locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transaction",
"DROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock",
"CREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock",
"%s 参数错误",
"%-.32s@%-.64s 不允许建立新用户",
"Incorrect table definition; All MERGE tables must be in the same database",
"Deadlock found when trying to get lock; Try restarting transaction",
"Error connecting to master: %-.128s",
"Error running query on master: %-.128s",
"Error when executing command %s: %-.128s",
"Wrong usage of %s and %s",
"The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns",
"选项 '%s' 在声明中被使用两次",
"User '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)",
"访问拒绝;你需要有 %-.128s 权限来执行这个操作",
"变量 '%-.64s' 是一个LOCAL变量不能使用SET GLOBAL",
"变量 '%-.64s' 是一个GLOBAL变量必须用SET GLOBAL设置",
"变量 '%-.64s' 不存在默认值",
"变量 '%-.64s' 不能够被设置为'%-.64s'",
"变量 '%-.64s' 的参数类型错误",
"变量 '%-.64s' 只能被设置而不能被读取",
"Wrong usage/placement of '%s'",
"当从主服务器读取二进制Log时,发生致命的错误 %d: '%-.128s'",