man rm,有一个非常特别的参数:
-P Overwrite regular files before deleting them. Files are over-written three times, first with the byte pattern 0xff, then 0x00, and then 0xff again, before they are deleted. Files with multiple links will not be overwritten nor deleted and a warning will be issued. If the -f option is specified, files with multiple links will also be overwritten and deleted. No warning will be issued. Specifying this flag for a read only file will cause rm to generate an error message and exit. The file will not be removed or overwritten.
N.B.: The -P flag is not considered a security feature (see BUGS).
The -P option assumes that the underlying storage overwrites file blocks when data is written to an existing offset. Several factors including the file system and its backing store could defeat this assumption. This includes, but is not limited to file systems that use a Copy-On-Write strategy (e.g. ZFS or UFS when snapshots are being used), Flash media that are using a wear leveling algorithm, or when the backing datastore does journaling, etc. In addition, only regular files are overwritten, other types of files are not.
那么COW系统是什么意思呢?大致讲,COW的系统,就是在覆盖文件的时候,系统并不把它存在原来的位置,而是重新找了一个地方存了一个新的文件,原来的那个文件仍然在原来的位置,并没有被从磁盘上抹掉,甚至连原来的文件名都还在,只不过不显示而已。在这种情况下,rm –P把那个文件写了三次,只不过相当于在磁盘上新建了三个纯0或1的文件而已,原来的文件仍然存在,是可以恢复的。
Flash的一些设备,包括SSD,存储的原理也不是在原来的位置重写,而是换了另一个地方,这是因为Flash设备长期写一个区域的话,很快就会把这块区域“写穿”,所以写的时候要均衡一下整个存储的区域,这也导致rm –P会失效。
所以整体上讲,rm –P在目前的环境下,并不是一个很好的工具,因为现在使用的系统,大多数都是Copy-On-Write的,导致了rm –P没有了用武之地。
该贴由hui.chen转至本版2014-11-5 17:04:53