Hi all
I am very new to tuxedo I have to create a monitoring infrastructure for a complex Tuxedo application. This is still on Tuxedo 10g.
What I have done so far:
I have installed TSAM 10g on the same host and I want to test what TSAM does offer us w.r.t. monitoring. TSAM Manager is running on local Tomcat with a Oracle database backend.
I have configured the TSAM Manager WAR with the JDBC++ options
I have updted the UBBCONFIG, reloaded it and restarted the Tuxedo domain.
Now I have two problems:
1) I cannot see anything in the TSAM web frontend. I thought that the LMS part will publish at least the domain and its config into TSAM but the TSAM web-ui is empty (no Tuxedo domain).
A quick internet check told me that I have to configure the monitoring with TMMONITOR or tmadmin tool.
2) This leads me to the second problem. Different webpages (e.g. Oracle docu) talk about the tmadmin commands like chmo.
xxxx> tmadmin
tmadmin - Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Oracle.
Portions * Copyright 1986-1997 RSA Data Security, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under license by Oracle.
Tuxedo is a registered trademark.
TMADMIN_CAT:111: ERROR: No such command.
None of the tsam commands mentioned in the webpages are available in my tmadmin tool.
Could somebody please explain me why ?
UBBCONFIG (partly):
CLOPT="-A -- -l xyz.abc.com:8080/tsam/dataserver"
How can I verify that LMS is running ?
the other servers in the UBBCONFIG can be found using "ps", LMS is not shown in the "ps" list
Thanks a lot