tuxedo server process are getting restarted while processing the request and it is not logging any errors while restarting.
135847 TuxGeneralServer.16370.1510907088.0: LIBTUX_CAT:476: WARN: Server 800/8111: client process 22062: lost message
135847TuxGeneralServer.16370.1510907088.0: LIBTUX_CAT:477: WARN: SERVICE=TadN2Tux MSG_ID=0 REASON=server died
135847TuxShmServer.25760.3494362320.0: INFO: DebugRegServer(): Pid=16370, SrvId=8111, SrvName=TuxGeneralServer, SrvGrp=APPGRP, GrpNo=800
Could you please help me to find the cause for restart of the process. Is there any way to take that perticular process dump or if we enable complete tuxedo server logs ,will it log any details?
Thanks in adavance.