代码解释TPEABORTTransaction can not commitTPEBADDESCBad descriptor for tpgetrply(3c)TPEBLOCKBlocking condition found and no-block specifiedTPEINVALInvalid arguments givenTPELIMITToo many handles outstandingTPENOENTNo entry found or no room on the Bulletin BoardTPEOSOperating system errorTPEPERMBad permissions or failed authenticationTPEPROTOProtocol errorTPESVCERRServer error while handling requestTPESVCFAILApplication level service failureTPESYSTEMInternal BEA TUXEDO error (userlog(3c)) message written)TPETIMETime-out occurred and TPNOTIME was not specifiedTPETRANCaller in transaction mode and transaction abortedTPGOTSIGSignal received and TPSIGRSTRT not specifiedTPERMERRResource Manager failureTPEITYPEType and/or subtype do not match servicesTPEOTYPEType and/or subtype do not match buffers or unknownTPERELEASECaller has made a 3.0 library callTPEHAZARDHazard exists that transaction heuristically completedTPEHEURISTICTransaction heuristically completedTPEEVENTEvent occurredTPEMATCHService name cannot be advertised due to matching conflict